Latest News |
2011 May |
"Svyaz-Expokomm 2011"
We invite you to visit the booth of our company 1D33 in pavilion 1 at the 23rd international exhibition "Svyaz-Expokomm 2011" which is going to be held on 10-13 May in Moscow on the territory of the exhibition complex CJC "Expocentr" in Krasnaja Presnja.
2010 May |
"Svyaz-Expokomm 2010"
We invite you to visit the booth of our company 1E07 in pavilion 1 at the 22th international exhibition "Svyaz-Expokomm 2010" which is going to be held on 11-14 May in Moscow on the territory of the exhibition complex CJC "Expocentr" in Krasnaja Presnja.
2009 May |
"Svyaz-Expokomm 2009"
We invite you to visit the booth of our company 22C41 in pavilion 2 at the 21th international exhibition "Svyaz-Expokomm 2009" which is going to be held on 12-15 May in Moscow on the territory of the exhibition complex CJC "Expocentr" in Krasnaja Presnja.
2009 April |
Dear clients, partners and visitors!
We would like to inform you that for our subsequent growth since the April 10th, 2009 IIT company moves to the new office.
The new office of the company is situated to the next address: 220030, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Oktyabrskaya st., 19/5, office 306 (a comfortable location in the centre of Minsk).
2009 March |
IIT company has started the project on installation of the FIBERTEST Monitoring System of Optical Fibers on networks of all branches of the RUE "Beltelekom", Belarus.
2008 December |
The certification of the remote test unit OR-2-2 RTU OTDR – the part of the FiberTest Monitoring System of Optical Fibers – has finished. The appropriate confirmation certificates were received in the Republic of Belarus (February, 2008), in the Russian Federation (December, 2008) and in the Republic of Kazakhstan (November, 2008).
2008 November |
The procedure of OR-2-3 OTDR certification in the Republic of Kazakhstan has finished and the confirmation certificate is received.
The new optical testers produced by IIT have appeared: OT-2-7/LS Optical Light Source, OT-2-7/PM Optical Power Meter and OT-2-8 Optical Tester.
In comparison with previous LS modifications new wavelengths of 1490 nm and 1625 nm were added, the number of calibrated wavelengths in power meters has also increased. Depending on a range of measured power optical power meters are produced in two variants: -70 … +7 dBm and -50 … +27 dBm. All devices in a new range are supplied with high-contrast displays with backlight.
The procedure of OT-2 optical testers' certification in the Republic of Belarus has finished and the confirmation certificate is received.
2008 August |
IIT announced the beginning of long-term cooperation with the Optixsoft in the area of software development for test and measurement instrumentation.
At present IIT together with Optixsoft continues the development of software for such products as a FIBERTEST Monitoring System of Optical Fibers and multifunctional compact OTDR MTP 6000. This cooperation will turn IIT’s customer support service and product development process to a new qualitative level.
Michael Ziuzin (General Director of Optixsoft) emphasized the importance of partnership between two companies: "There is no doubt that IIT is the industry leader in the CIS region that creates favorable conditions for promoting Optixsoft products and services in this market."
2008 July |
The procedure of VL-7 OTDR certification in the Republic of Belarus has finished and the confirmation certificate is received.
2008 May |
The procedure of OR-2-3 OTDR certification in the Russian Federation has finished and the confirmation certificate is received.
"Svyaz-Expokomm 2008"
We invite you to visit the booth of our company 1B26 in pavilion 1 at the 20th international exhibition "Svyaz-Expokomm 2008"
which is going to be held on 12-16 May in Moscow on the territory of the exhibition complex CJC "Expocentr" in Krasnaja Presnja.
2008 April |
"TIBO 2008"
22-25.04.08 We invite you to visit our booth C9 at the 15th international telecommunication & information technologies exhibition TIBO’2008 which will be held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus at Pobediteley ave., 20/2. There we would be presenting our optical reflectometers, locators, testers and other equipment. Our company’s experts will hold traditional consultations talking about specifications and usage of measurement devices for optical fiber communication links.
2007 May |
"Svyaz-Expokomm 2007"
We invite you to visit the booth of our company 1F29 in pavilion 1 at the 19th international exhibition "Svyaz-Expokomm 2007"
which is going to be held on 14-18 May in Moscow on the territory of the exhibition complex CJC "Expocentr" in Krasnaja Presnja.
2007 April |
"TIBO 2007"
24-27.04.07 We invite you to visit our booth D16 at the 14th international telecommunication & information technologies
exhibition TIBO’2007 which will be held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus at Pobediteley ave., 20/2. There we would be presenting our
optical reflectometers, locators, testers and other equipment. Our company’s experts will hold traditional consultations talking about
specifications and usage of measurement devices for optical fiber communication links.
2007 April |
On April 19 our company completed supplying measurement equipment for RUE "Gomeltransoil Druzhba" –
optical measurement devices MTP 9000A
and optical testers OT-2-6.
2007 February |
IIT was announced winner of the tender for supplying measurement equipment for RUE "Gomeltransoil Druzhba".
2007 January |
On January 3 our company completed supplying standard equipment for “Intercity Communication” branch of RUE Beltelecom –
optical tester OT-2-3/C to test and calibrate laser sources and power meters,
optical generators OG-2-1/B, OG-2-1/C, OG-2-1/G to test and calibrate OTDRs.
2006 October |
IIT was announced winner of the tender for supplying "Intercity Communication" branch of RUE Beltelecom with standard equipment.
2006 October |
"Information Science and Communication 2006"
10-13 October, 2006 at the XIV international exhibition "Information Science and Communication" in Kiev the official representative
in the Ukraine Foconcom will present a wide range of IIT manufactured measurement devices at the exhibition center located
at 15, Brovarsky Ave, subway "Levoberezhnaya".
At the company’s stand # D2 there will be a demonstration of devices’ operation on simulated lines. You will also be given the
opportunity to familiarize yourself with the optical fiber monitoring system FiberTest.
2006 September |
IIT metrologists conducted a training for the specialists of Beltelecom Minsk branch and Association of Belarus Railway.
The participants were trained to use the optical measurement multifunctional device MTP 9000A.
2006 July |
IIT finished supplying the "Long-distance Network" branch of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Beltelecom" with
the optical fiber monitoring system FiberTest.
2006 April |
On April 4-6 the leading experts of "Institute of Information Technologies" are to take part in the conference
"Production and Application of Optical Cables in Telecommunications" and make the report "The Complex of
IIT Devices Used to Measure Optical Cables Parameters when Manufacturing them" (Moscow, Entuziastov h., 5, conference hall "VNII KP")
2006 April |
"TIBO 2006"
04-07.04.06 We would like to invite you to attend our booth F8 (second floor) at the 13th international
telecommunication & information technologies exhibition TIBO’2006 which will be held in Minsk, Republic
of Belarus at Y.Kupala str., 27. There we would be presenting our optical reflectometers, locators, testers
and other equipment. Our company’s experts will hold traditional consultations talking about specifications and
usage of measurement devices for optical fiber communication links.
2006 January |
The experts of our company proceeded to the introduction of the optical fiber monitoring system FiberTest at the "Long-distance Network" branch of the Republican Unitary Telecommunications Enterprise "Beltelekom"
2005 April |
"TIBO 2005"
IIT is going to take part in the 12th international telecommunication & information technologies exhibition TIBO’2005 which will be held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus. We are inviting everyone to visit our booth F10 on the second floor. There we would be presenting our new Mobile Measurement Platform MTP 9000, optical reflectometers, locators, testers and other equipment. Devices for optical cable testing at production as well as standard devices will also be featured there. Our company’s experts will hold traditional consultations talking about specifications and usage of measurement devices for optical fiber communication links.
2005 March |
The whole range of Optical Testers OT-2-6, OT-2-5 Laser Sources and OT-2-5 Power Meters are now produced with high-contrast graphic display with effective display light.
2005 February |
"CABEX 2005"
IIT is going to take part in the 4th International Exhibition of cables, wires, fastening hardware,
cable products construction and installation equipment "CABEX 2005" which will take place March 1-4 on Moscow in cultural and exhibition centre "Sokolniki".
We encourage you to visit our stand 23.3 in pavilion 2. There our company will exhibit optical cable testing devices, along with measurement equipment and standard instruments.
2004 September |
Certificate of quality system compliance to ISO 9001-2001 requirements received
Our company has undergone the procedure of quality system functioning confirmation in National and German (TGA) Certification Systems.
We have received conformity certificates for the management system of the quality of design, manufacture and maintenance of optical fiber measurement equipment. They confirm that our products meet
the International Standards ISO 9001-2001 requirements.
More details...
2004 July |
New Website of the Institute of Information Technologies A new website of the Institute of Information Technologies is designed and introduced.
The more attractive design and upgraded content allow you arranging a quick search for any information on our company, our new devices, our product family that might interest you. It is aimed at improving our support service of our clients and partners.
2004 June |
The IIT OTDRs were tested at the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology and found to conform to the IEC 60825-1 International Standards on Safety of Laser Products.
2004 May |
International Exhibition 'Svyaz-Expokomm' The IIT presented the manufactured measurement equipment for fiber optic transmission lines at the 16th Annual International Exhibition "Svyaz-Expokomm", which was held on May 11th - May 14th, 2004, Moscow /the Exhibition Complex "Expo-Center" in Krasnaya Presnya/.
The Fiber Test Monitoring System, the VL-5 Locator-Reflectometer, the OR-2-2 OTDR, the OT-2-5 and OT-2-6 Testers, the PU-2 Talk Set were showcased on a specially installed test-line.
The IIT specialists arranged consultations on the equipment technical specifications and use. |
2004 April |
Our company took part in the 11th International Specialized Exhibition "tibo’2004" which was held April 6-9, 2004, Minsk.
2004 January |
Fibertest Monitoring System of Optical Fibers The development of the FiberTest monitoring system of optical fibers is completed and launched into batch production. The FiberTest system allows a continuous monitoring of optical lines. more.. |
2004 January |
OR-2-2 OTDR- the achievement of a new dynamic range The application of innovative technical solutions and advanced technical components allowed to achieve a 42 dB dynamic range for the OR-2-2 OTDR. more.. |