  Contact Information
220030, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk,
Oktyabrskaya st., 19/5, office 306
tel.: + 375 17 227 23 52, + 375 17 227 13 48,
tel./fax: + 375 17 227 12 33

Dear clients, partners and visitors!
We would like to inform you that for our subsequent growth since the April 10th, 2009 IIT company moves to the new office.
The new office of the company is situated to the next address: 220030, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk,
Oktyabrskaya st., 19/5, office 306
(a comfortable location in the centre of Minsk).
  FiberTest Monitoring System of Optical Fibers
FiberTest Monitoring System of Optical Fibers
The FiberTest system allows a continuous monitoring of optical lines, locating a fault and displaying the information on the topological map.

Measurements results are stored in the database. It enables data processing for predicting a potential problem in the fiber.

Monitoring of optical fibers allows reducing a repairing period of optical lines, cuts operating costs, increases network security due to the capability to detect an unauthorized access and improves the quality of the lines.

FiberTest advantages

The use of the Fiber Test system has several advantages:
   Reduced time of a fault location;
   Displaying the located fault on the topological map;
   Predicting potential problems in the network;
   Network testing by a single qualified user;
   A substantial cutting down of the equipment.

Two groups of fault location criteria

A. Deviation of any point of the measured trace from a sample one. Decision threshold is variable;
B. Deviation of the attenuation value in a line, splices and abnormality of refractive index.

Functional capabilities of the monitoring system

The FiberTest system provides:
   Monitoring dark or active fibers;
   Scheduled testing;
   Testing in a manual mode;
   Information display on the electronic topological map;
   Remote access to the server;
   Manual control of the OTDR.

The Institute of the Information Technologies enables the adjustment of the system for a definite user. It provides data processing of the installed lines, arranges the staff training and assists in maintaining the transmission lines.
  Maintenance Characteristics
Capability to install into Platform 19''
Optical Commutator
Maximum Number of Optical Ports
Voltage of Station Supply, V
24, 48, 60
Certificate of Conformity for OTDR
© Institute of Information Technologies