  Contact Information
220030, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk,
Oktyabrskaya st., 19/5, office 306
tel.: + 375 17 227 23 52, + 375 17 227 13 48,
tel./fax: + 375 17 227 12 33

Dear clients, partners and visitors!
We would like to inform you that for our subsequent growth since the April 10th, 2009 IIT company moves to the new office.
The new office of the company is situated to the next address: 220030, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk,
Oktyabrskaya st., 19/5, office 306
(a comfortable location in the centre of Minsk).
Test Platforms
Mobile Test Platform MTP 9000AMobile Test Platform MTP 9000A
Belongs to the new generation of portable devices and is designed to meet out all the measurement requirements when building & installing optical fiber communication links.
Multifunctional Compact OTDR MTP 6000Multifunctional Compact OTDR MTP 6000
MTP 6000 handheld units with 4.3"TFT 16-bit color display combining OTDR, Power meter and Laser Source functionalities.
  Monitoring Systems
FIBERTEST Monitoring System of Optical FibersFIBERTEST Monitoring System of Optical Fibers
Allows a continuous monitoring of optical lines, locating a fault and displaying the information on the topological map.
  Operating Measurement Equipment
OT-2-5/PM Power Meter, OT-2-5/LS Laser SourceOT-2-5/PM Power Meter, OT-2-5/LS Laser Source
Refers to a new generation of digital optical test equipment for high accuracy measurement of optical power in optical fibers.
OT-2-6 Optical TesterOT-2-6 Optical Tester
Consists of a laser source and a power meter in a small-sized case. It allows measuring a number of optical parameters by one instrument.
OFL-3 Fault LocatorOFL-3 Fault Locator
Designed for detecting faults in optical cables, measuring a distance to the fault location in a single-mode optical cable.
OFL-5 Optical Locator-ReflectometerOFL-5 Optical Locator-Reflectometer
Designed for measuring attenuation in optical fibers and their connections, length of an optical fiber and distance up to its any point.
OFL-7 Optical Fault Locator-ReflectometerOFL-7 Optical Fault Locator-Reflectometer
We offer new compact, handheld units for streamlined OTDR testing. The OFL-7 series, designed for short-haul network testing.
PU-2 Optical Talk SetPU-2 Optical Talk Set
Can be used for construction, installation, testing and maintenance of optical fiber links when operators are at a remote location from each other and must operatively and communicate continuously.
OR-2-2 Optical ReflectometerOR-2-2 Optical Reflectometer
The OR-2-2 is a mini-OTDR for measurement of attenuation in optical fibers (OF) and its connections, the OF length and distance to events.
OR-2-3 Optical ReflectometerOR-2-3 Optical Reflectometer
Optical reflectometer OR-2-3 is designed to measure attenuation in optical fibers (OF) and their splices, OF length and distance to the fault. It’s the first in the world OTDR which needs neither batteries nor mains supply unit.
  Test Equipment for Optical Fiber Parameters Measurement
ID-6 Multimode Optical Fiber Frequency Characteristics Test SetID-6 Multimode Optical Fiber Frequency Characteristics Test Set
Designed for measuring amplitude-frequency characteristics of multimode optical fibers and their length.
OT-2-4 Multichannel Optical TesterOT-2-4 Multichannel Optical Tester
Designed for measurement of attenuation change in optical fibers and cables, passive optical components under mechanical and temperature testing.
ID-2-2 Chromatic Dispersion Measurement SetID-2-2 Chromatic Dispersion Measurement Set
Designed for measurement of chromatic dispersion in singlemode optical fibers.
ID-2-3/ID-2-3B Optical Fiber Elongation Test SetID-2-3/ID-2-3B Optical Fiber Elongation Test Set
Designed for measurement of optical fiber and cable elongation/strain under mechanical and/or temperature test.
  Standard Devices
OT-2-3 Optical TesterOT-2-3 Optical Tester
Designed for measurement of optical power and attenuation in optical fibers and fiber optical components with high accuracy.
ÎÃ-2-1 Îïòè÷åñêèé ãåíåðàòîðOG-2-1 Optical Generator
Designed for calibration of all types of OTDRs by the external source method (IEC 61746).
Optoelectronic Components
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